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We are here now to make your home smart with home automation technology.

  • Now you can manage your home devices from one place.
  • Maximize your home security.
  • Daily life comforts
  • Now you have power of being able to control your home’s functions from a distance.
  • Increased energy efficiency.
  • make your home life much easier and more enjoyable.
Home Automation System
How does home automation work?

Home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces that works to integrate everyday devices with one another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected through WiFi, so you can manage them from your smartphone or tablet whether you’re at home, or miles away. This allows you to turn on the lights, lock the front door, or even turn down the heat, no matter where you are.

How Does Home Automation System Work?

There are three main elements of a home automation system: sensors, controllers, and actuators.

  • Sensors can monitor changes in daylight, temperature, or motion detection. Home automation systems can then adjust those settings (and more) to your preferences.
  • Controllers refer to the devices — personal computers, tablets or smartphones — used to send and receive messages about the status of automated features in your home.
  • Actuators may be light switches, motors, or motorized valves that control the actual mechanism, or function, of a home automation system. They are programmed to be activated by a remote command from a controller.
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