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033 29725520

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This is focused on providing high quality service to get customer satisfaction

We are providing this type of Service and doing our best to meet the customer’s expectation.

We can help with your project from start to finish. Just give us a call and we can discuss your plans with you and help you move toward getting your deck completed.

We have a lot of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.

We are adhering following Major Steps to ensure success


The process of corrective maintenance begins with a failure and a diagnosis of the failure.

The diagnostic process can include a physical inspection of a system, the use of a diagnostic euipment to evaluate the system, interviews with system users.

It is important to determine what caused the problem in order to take appropriate action.


On site or by remote access. Inspection of the equipment to identify the reason for the failure and the action to be taken to eliminate or reduce the frequency of future similar failures.


Our technician or engineers always do through & step by step testing of the system

All engineers of our local Service points have been trained in all the systems and are fully experienced, with full satisfaction of end users and timely presence on site.

Training consists in classroom and workshop activities:

  • Cognitive approaches to our products with description of operations
  • Study of system layout and diagrams
  • Analysis of faults and basic reason for occurrence
  • Study of the end user’s Use and Maintenance Manual for a complete overview of the documentation supplied
  • Practical training on the installed system
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